HTC – Service verweigert!           

Da kauft B. im März 2013 in einem ganz noblen Laden in Kuala Lumpur das neueste, grösste und schönste Mobiltelefon, das er finden kann, ein HTC Butterfly, um MYR 2.399 = ca. EUR/CHF 750.

Das Produkt an sich ist ausgezeichnet, schön rot und schlank…

Eines Tages wenige Wochen später fällt es aus der Brusttasche auf einen harten Boden – das Display ist zersplttert.

Wer nun glaubt, die europäische Servicestelle würde das eingesandte Gerät freudig (da natürlich kostenpflichtig) reparieren, irrt sich. Obwohl regulär gekauft, weigern sich die Herrschaften, den erwarteten selbstverständlichen Service zu bieten. Einfach unglaublich, was sich eine Weltfirma da dem Konsumenten gegenüber leistet.

B. verschenkt das Gerät an einen Bedürftigen und wünscht der Firma HTC von Herzen baldigen Konkurs.

Trump, paperwork and bureaucracy

Trump, paperwork and bureaucracy


“The West became great, not because of paperwork and regulations, but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.”

Donald J. Trump,
Warsaw, 6th July 2017

Must have been a long time since Mr. Trump  tried to open a simple bank account…

The gap between politicians words and reality, out of the land of compliance, FATCA etc. could not be bigger…

People allover the world are fordced to complete horribly complicated US forms, even if they open a savings account in … e.g. Pakistan and have no intention to invest in US stocks or bonds…

Namibia - einst deutsche Musterkolonie - da können heutige dt. Manager von Kaiser Wilhelm was lernen: sogar die Bremer Stadmusikanten waren schon hier.

An example: The IRS recently published new and updated Forms W-8 and corresponding instruction – click the links to see the forms… once all the forms are there, they now will request new ones as per 2018…

Form W-8IMY (Rev. June 2017) and the Instructions for Form W-8IMY were updated. The form was amended to provide additional information with regard to the QDD status of a Withholding Agent and to incorporate changes provided by the updated Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Regulations. Withholding Agents will have to request new Forms W-8IMY starting January 1, 2018.

Form W-8BEN (Rev. July 2017) and the Instructions for Form W-8BEN were updated. The form was amended to reflect changes in Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. July 2017) and to incorporate changes introduced by new Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Regulations. Withholding agents will have to request new Forms W-BEN starting February 1, 2018.

Form W-8BEN-E (Rev. July 2017) and the Instructions for Form W-8BEN-E were updated. The form was amended to reflect updates with the Chapter 4 statuses

• Limited FFIs and limited branches,

• Sponsored FFIs and sponsored direct reporting NFFEs, and

• Nonreporting IGA FFIs.

In addition, the form has been updated to require a non-U.S. TIN (except in certain cases) to be provided for certain foreign account holders of a financial account maintained at a U.S. office or U.S. branch of a financial institution.

Withholding agents will have to start requesting new Forms W-8BEN-E from February 1, 2018.

Form W-8ECI (Rev. July 2017) and the Instructions for Form W-8ECI were updated in order to incorporate changes introduced by new Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Regulations. Withholding agents will have to request new Forms W-8ECI starting February 1, 2018.

Form W-8EXP (Rev. July 2017) and the Instructions for Form W-8EXP were updated in order to incorporate changes introduced by new Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Regulations. Withholding agents will have to request new Forms W-8EXP starting February 1, 2018.

Orhan Pamuk

Orhan Pamuk

Die schöne in der Metro liest Orhan Pamuk. Nicht linientreu, weder der Schrifsteller noch seine Leserin.

Daher hat B. Gesichtserkennung verunmöglicht: fairerweise – schade um das aparte Antlitz.

Istanbul ist weltoffen und liberal. Man trinkt Alkohol, isst aber kein Schweinefleisch…

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